My Style – A Day in the Fog

When creating this blog and writing about the fashion on the global perspective and what it means for other people, I have been thinking about what it means to me. I am interested in fashion, but what is it to me on a deeper level? How can I relate to it? So in order to figure it out for myself, as well as to present it to others, I have decided to create a first look-book photoshoot, that will show my style.

I am lost somewhere in-between the simplicity and layers – I can’t choose one. Personally, I keep switching from one style to another, while trying to figure out what I really like. And maybe that is actually what I like – I like changes, something new and unknown. I definitely hate boring clothes and outfits and hate staying the same. By staying the same I don’t just mean how you look, I also mean the inner qualities – a person should always develop and reach for something new. This can be also applied to clothing – you should always develop your style and look for something that suits YOU personally.  DSC_1176   DSC_1083

For me it is important that I show my feelings, emotions and thoughts through my style and fashion. It is not only about clothing – it is on a deeper level. I find it as the way of my self-expression, something that helps me to make a statement. I like clothes that fit me, and not the ones that I simply like. If the clothes look good on you – it is immediately a win. But if clothes doesn’t fit you – why would you even buy it? Buying and wearing clothes just because they are ‘trendy’ makes no sense – they have to match you and make you feel and look better and not visa-versa.


I love details – they can be easily played around with. They can make or break the outfit, it all depends on how you use them. Sometimes, when your outfit is all-black, adding a bright detail will make a statement and attract attention. Speaking about colors – I like when there is a mix. I don’t like outfits that are all in a simple and similar color scheme. I feel like there should be a blend of warm and cold, neutral and bright, natural and extraordinary colors. I feel like I am not a very simple person – there are always a lot of emotions and thoughts inside of me. That is why I just would not stand being simple in clothes.

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Couture Makeup Lesson

As you know if you have read the previous post, I have attended the Summer Courses held by the London College of Fashion. The course was the Styling and Media, and one of the tasks was to create the couture-show makeup, which means that the makeup should stand out and be creative. I have used products by M.A.C. Cosmetics to create the look inspired by the 70s, discos and glitter, and then acted as a photographer to take the shots of my work on the model.

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The bright neon-pink pigment that fills the entire eye from the lashes to the eyebrow gives the look a certain vibe. The eyeshadow is outlined by the eyeliner in the corners of the eyes, it makes the look geometric and looks artificial which is the purpose. The neon pink triangles and the black line on the nose make the face look less natural and more sculptured.

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As the makeup is inspired by the 70s and the discos, I have decided to create a similar hairdo of that period. I have used the rubber band to collect the hair at the top of the head and then let it loose as a pineapple (one of my favourite fruits, btw :D) Model’s yellow nails have added up to the colours of the shoot and made a good contrast.

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I have acted as a photographer in this photo shoot, not only as the stylist. I have gotten help from the famous photographer Darren Black, who was my tutor at the courses. He helped me with the lighting and the background, as well as gave me tips for the good shots.